Error loading shared libraries civilization 4

Error loading shared libraries civilization 4

После установки ругается (Error loading shader libraries) раза 3 переустанавливал, мимо :worthy:

Игруха от 1С, Ящик: Duo6600, GF7900GT

Проблема «D3DX9_32.DLL was not found» и «Error loading shader libraries»

На сайте Firaxis эту проблему предлагают решать установкой июньского DX 9.0c

If you are receiving a «D3DX9_32.DLL was not found» error after installing the latest patch, please download and install the JUNE Directx 9.0c, which is available for download here ([/b] eid=6&cat=2 (

Если такое решение вас почему то не устраивает, то вот еще совет от ARS VENTURA

Посмотрел на их-фанатиках. У многих такая проблема всплывает. Например тут:

Говорят, что надо установить именно последнюю версию DX 9.0c, даже если у тебя Vista.

Скачать ее можно тут: ;DisplayLang=en ( ;DisplayLang=ru (

Всем спасибки, вот ето помогло :.V.:

Кому всем-то, один NeverMind кажется отвечал.

BlackSun может нам премию учредить «NeverMind 2007» ?

BlackSun может нам премию учредить «NeverMind 2007» ?
Переименуем номинацию «добрый самаритянин» в «Добрый Н.М.»

Посмотрел на их-фанатиках. У многих такая проблема всплывает. Например тут:

Говорят, что надо установить именно последнюю версию DX 9.0c, даже если у тебя Vista.

[/b] стоит 9.0с ( на ХР. А все равно ругается. Вероятно дела в какой то dll библиотеке?

Цитата(NeverMind * 28.7.2007, 22:09) 193066

Посмотрел на их-фанатиках. У многих такая проблема всплывает. Например тут:

Говорят, что надо установить именно последнюю версию DX 9.0c, даже если у тебя Vista.

[/b] стоит 9.0с ( на ХР. А все равно ругается. Вероятно дела в какой то dll библиотеке?
[/b][/quote] О великий и могучий NeverMind — скачал июньский пакет по ссылочке и все работает! Спасибочки!

Последний DirectX от автора 2007_redist.exe (
Хелп, плиз! :mat:
Оно у меня путь спрашиваТ. Указываю:

Не то?!

А БТС всё нудит.

з.ы. И чего оно ваще спрашиват? Раньше не спрашивало.

Оно у меня путь спрашиваТ. Указываю:

Не то?!

А БТС всё нудит.

з.ы. И чего оно ваще спрашиват? Раньше не спрашивало.
:shy2: Решение нашёл такое:
В папке C:\WINDOWS\system32\DirectX есть ехе-файл «DXSETUP». Вот его запустил и библы обновились.

Вероятно, первоначально файлы просто копируются в эту папку из архива, но не устанавливаются.

. На сайте Firaxis эту проблему предлагают решать установкой июньского DX 9.0c

If you are receiving a «D3DX9_32.DLL was not found» error after installing the latest patch, please download and install the JUNE Directx 9.0c, which is available for download here ([/b] eid=6&cat=2 (

Если такое решение вас почему то не устраивает, то вот еще совет от ARS VENTURA

Единственное что еще мне понадобилось сделать, скачать D3Dx9_31.DLL, D3Dx9_32.DLL, D3Dx9_33.DLL, D3Dx9_34.DLL. С этими четырьмя заработало, а с одним D3Dx9_32.DLL не хотело (выдавало ошибку в загрузке шейдерных библиотек).[/b]

Я ставил всего-навсего 1.73. после установки цива перестала запускаться, сообщая о невозможности нахождения D3Dx9_32.DLL. Нашел, скачал. Все в точности как у ARS VENTURA — стало вылетать под конец загрузки, выдавая сообщение об ошибке при загрузке шейдерных библиотек. Вот как ARS VENTURA догадался, каких именно длл здесь не хватает — ума не приложу :no: . Могу только дополнить, что по крайней мере 1.73 работает и без четвертой библиотеки = D3Dx9_34.DLL. Мне кажется, что она совсем новая, — во всяком случае, когда я замучился с ее поиском в инете, попробовал запустить без нее и все запустилось :bayan:

. в гугле.ру при поиске «D3Dx9_34.DLL» в первой десятке ответов идет ссылка на наш-фанатиков :biglol:


Error loading shader libraries, won’t uninstall so I can reinstall, won’t allow.



Hi everyone, I’m new to this forum

I just bought Civilization IV and a new laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium this last Friday. When I first installed Civ IV, it worked. Then a minute later when I went into the game it had the option of installing to the newest patch 1.74. Since I had just barely installed it for the first time and wanted it updated, I said to go ahead and install the patch. Then after the installed patch, there were problems starting the program. When trying to load, it would have the black screen with the spinning cursor on it. Then the cursor would turn into a regular white arrow cursor and nothing would happen. Then if I pushed the start button on the keyboard, a message would come up saying:

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Error loading shader libraries

I found something that said to make an init.log file to see what the problem is when launching, and it says:

“[13687.434] DBG: CIV Init
[13687.449] VERSION: App: C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 4\Civilization4.exe
[13687.480] VERSION: Build: Wed May 16 20:50:52 2007
[13687.480] VERSION:
[13688.853] VERSION: Mod Loaded: none
[13690.975] DBG: FILE Cat Init
[13699.898] DBG: Using XML cache
[13699.929] DBG: Game Init
[13700.070] DBG: Multiplayer Init BEGIN
[13700.725] DBG: Multiplayer Init END
[13700.865] DBG: Audio Init
[13704.968] DBG: ArtFileMgr Init
[13704.999] DBG: Python Init
[13713.798] VERSION: CIV Version: 0
[13713.798] VERSION: Save Version: 103
[13713.798] DBG: Input Init
[13714.079] DBG: Engine Init
[13715.826] DBG: Checking available screen resolution
[13716.060] DBG: Validating screen resolution
[13716.060] DBG: Creating rendererer
[13736.902] DBG: Engine: renderer Initialized
[13737.026] DBG: Engine: Error loading shader libraries”

If I go to Command Prompt/Run and enter DXDIAG, it says I have DirectX 11 (which came with my Windows 7 laptop which I just bought a few days ago). I tried using explore to go into the CD ROM and manually clicking on the reinstall DirectX, but it didn’t fix the problem, and I would think DirectX11 would be just as good as 9?

If I right click the CD disk to explore inside and manually click Setup.exe to try installing Civilization IV again, it says that the setup CD is an earlier version and that I have a later version on my computer (remember patch 1.74 that Civilization had me install?). It says that I have to first uninstall before reinstalling.

So if I go to the Control Panel/Uninstall Programs so that I can uninstall and try all over again, it says there’s an error and that I need to make sure I have finished any previous setup (which doesn’t make sense because the paragraph right above talks about how it won’t let me). It gave me this error message:


Civilization 4: «error loading shader libraries»









Uninstall the game and clean your PC of any files that the uninstall might have left behind. Reboot and re-install.

That’s helped me in a few cases.



If you are using Warlords, then the problem lies in the latest patch
and you now have to update your direct x
it is all explained here at this forum

Go to page 3 and it will have a link to the file you need



Hi guys. Are you having problems with shader libraries not loading. It seems like you all are, so don’t listen to everyone sending you to download some crappy file or exe. that will not even fix it. I’ve tried numerous times and those updates from other places don’t work correctly. I went to this link (below) and downloaded this in 10 minutes and installed, then I played the game with no problems (Online and Single player). So, trash those other updates and use this 100% Cure. I can now enjoy the game that I’ve desperately tried to get working for a week now.

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HEY. that file giagantic file is an unregistered torrent and possibly malware. Sysops if you are reading this delete Cowmatrix’s post.

To solve this problem simply download dx3d9_31.dll and 32.dll and drop them in the civ4 root directory. done.





You can down load the files here

Its free and it works..



HEY. that file giagantic file is an unregistered torrent and possibly malware. Sysops if you are reading this delete Cowmatrix’s post.

To solve this problem simply download dx3d9_31.dll and 32.dll and drop them in the civ4 root directory. done.

Solved it for me Thank you.



«To solve this problem simply download dx3d9_31.dll and 32.dll and drop them in the civ4 root directory. done.»

After trying all the other methods, this one worked and the game launched without the «shader libraries» error. Thank you much, macvsog.



Thank You from Brasil. Works. Finally I can play! Obrigado.







Download and run the offical DXupdater form M$ to make sure DX9.0c is updated. (Mandatory for Vista users).

If that doesn’t fix it, re-install, as the games files probably got deleted/corrupt somehow.







Problem fixed after downloading d3dx9_31.dll and d3dx9_32.dll from the locations provided by the previous anonymous post and placing those DLL files in the root directory of the Civilizaiton IV applicaton folder as instructed by the post by macvsog. Thanks!

A few details collected together:

The problem I needed to solve was that I could not use Civilizaiton IV (base game installed from 3 CDs and requires CD in drive to run) after upgrading it from version 1.61 to 1.71, which was the latest patch as I’m posting this, on a laptop running Windows Vista Business.

The unpatched version (1.61) of Civ 4 as installed from the CDs worked fine.

The patch produced the following error near the end of its installation:

I answered OK and the install quit.

Upon trying to run Civ 4, I received a missing d3dx9_32.dll error. After downloading and installing just that DLL from the location mentioned above, I received the error «Error loading shader libraries» After putting both DLLs mentioned above in the location mentioned above, the program worked.

By the way, for those unsure of what the «civ 4 root folder» means, it is often
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 4

In process of trying to fix this, I also downloaded (from Microsoft’s site) what I thought was the DirectX 9.0c end-user run time files. That didn’t fix the problem, and I think it had no effect, but I mention it as it is a step I did before the final fix so it might be required (although I doubt it).





Hi guys. Are you having problems with shader libraries not loading. It seems like you all are, so don’t listen to everyone sending you to download some crappy file or exe. that will not even fix it. I’ve tried numerous times and those updates from other places don’t work correctly. I went to this link (below) and downloaded this in 10 minutes and installed, then I played the game with no problems (Online and Single player). So, trash those other updates and use this 100% Cure. I can now enjoy the game that I’ve desperately tried to get working for a week now.



This method work in Vista 32/64 and Windows 7 32/64

Install Civ4
Install Civ4Patch1.74_Final.exe
Copy d3dx9_31.dll and d3dx9_32.dll to folder where you install Civilization (search internet or unpack directx 9 .cabs)
Right click Civ4 Icon
Choose Properties -> compatability
Check Windows XP Service Pack 3
Check Disable Visual Themes
Check Disable Desktop Composite
Search Civilization4.ini in your Documents directory (usually on Libraries\Documents\My Games\Civ 4)
Search for NoMovies = 0
Change it to NoMovies = 1
Save it
Run Civ4

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NxG Savage


HEY. that file giagantic file is an unregistered torrent and possibly malware. Sysops if you are reading this delete Cowmatrix’s post.

To solve this problem simply download dx3d9_31.dll and 32.dll and drop them in the civ4 root directory. done.



Hello everyone. I am taking the time to write this to possibly save someone else the huge headache in dealing with the «can’t load shader library errors.» In Civ 4

This is what I discovered after countless reinstalls. tech support..registry edits. and software updates.

Its important to know that a specific version of direct X 9c is the most stable for this game. it also seems to be the only package that I could get to work. make sure you get this specific package because in later months several pertinent dll files were stripped and recoded for emulation. With umpteen versions of Direct X floating around out there this is where the majority of the problems arise. This is what I installed to get Civ 4 to work on a 64 bit Windows 7 platform:

Last month I built a new rig with a shnazzy 5850 ATI card and made the mistake of installing direct x 11 BEFORE installing some of the previous versions of Direct X. Theoretically, DX11 is backwards compatible and allows for an upgrade from previous DX versions which should allow everything to run correctly. This is simply not the case as two crucial .dll files in the C:/Windows/System32 directory have been replaced by emulation files instead of the older, larger content specific files. even though the files look and are named the same. they are composed of a different code than what was given to many software developers.

This is what is causing Civ 4 to lock up and crash. Even after spending an hour with FireAxis games in Northern England. even they could not figure out how to correct this problem. Several sites want you to replace the files listed below in your C:/Windows/System32 directory. do not do this as you will mess up a clean install of DX which will cause more compatibility errors with newer games (Metro 2033 and Sims 3 in my case).
Instead, download and save the dlls listed below.

Next install Civ 4 in safe mode. this will prevent the application from automatically downloading premature software info. again avoiding a lock up and freeze. Once you have installed Civ 4 in safe mode. then unzip, copy, and paste the two dll files you downloaded and place them into the same directory as your Civ 4 Application. this will probably be your C rogram Files/2KGames/FireAxisGames/Civ4/ file folder.

The game should boot now. Fingers crossed and praying to Jesus.

I also found out that the majority of people having this problem use higher end ATI cards. make sure you have the latest version of Catalyst Control Center and download the most current drivers for your card: Here is a link for Win 7 Users of the 5800-5970 cards

Also this will correct the «no previous version of Sid Meires Civ 4 is detected» error when installing the new patches that are out for the game.

Also do yourself a favor and download the 1.61 version of the patch:

BEFORE installing the most recent 1.74 patch:

Anyways guys, I hope this sheds some light on a rather obscure problem that noone seems to be able to fix.


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